Tower of Links
I write stories, and occasionally non-stories. This is a list I’ll keep updated with everything I’ve published online.
‘The First Annual Contest’ in Open Pen, which you can find a copy of here or read online here.
‘A Bump in the Road’ and an author interview in The Forge Literary Magazine.
Five short ones over at Soft Cartel: three here, and two more here.
‘Guts’ in Déraciné Magazine.
‘A Noise the House Makes on Its Own’ on Literally Stories.
‘Leviathan’ in Microfiction Monday.
‘Jason’ , ‘Breeds Contempt’, ‘Transport’/‘Slumped’, ‘Hours’, and ‘The Men and the Dogs’ at Misery Tourism.
A few stories here on Medium: ‘On the Dissolution of an Imagined Intimacy’, ‘Pieter’s First Day Without Words’, and Three Accounts of Utopia I, II, and III.
Annual album roundups, also on Medium: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.